Friday, October 31, 2008

God's Secret

On the way home from school one day last week, my daughter Kinsey matter of factly informed me that "God made himself". I thought about it for a moment then told her that as far as I knew, God had no beginning. Her response was to just continue looking out the car window.

Several hours later, Kinsey came up to me and asked how could it be that God had no beginning? "That's the million dollar question. Nobody knows the answer to that. Some people think they know but they don't" I said. I went on to tell her that we as humans have a very difficult time understanding that because most everything we experience and see has a beginning and an end. Kinsey thought about it for a minute and then stated that there is somebody who knows the answer and that somebody is God. Then she said "I wished God had told me the answer when I was born, but I guess he wanted to keep it a secret".

Friday, October 24, 2008


Last night I was giving Kinsey and Riley a bath. Bath time is approached very business like until hair is washed and bodys are bathed. After that, it's time for fun and games. We have a shower head that can be removed from it's holder and held in your hand. This has made the chore of washing two little girls hair much easier. When I'm not actually holding the shower, I usually give it to Kinsey to be in charge of. She likes to make little "waterfalls" with it.

Last night when Kinsey was making another one of her waterfalls she proclaimed, "Daddy I'm a scientist who knows about waterfalls". She has told me before that she knows a lot about waterfalls but has never framed it in the realm of being a scientist. That got my attention. I said "You're a scientist are you?" She replied "I sure am and Riley is one too because she knows about bugs". I looked at Riley and she nodded her head confirming that it was true. Then Kinsey continued "I bet you never knew your two little girls are scientists". I had to admit, that was news to me.
Just when you think you may be able to guess what they're pondering, they vocalize their thoughts and you realize; the only way to really know what they are thinking is to take the time to listen. I asked Kinsey what she thought a scientist was . She told me it was somebody who tried to learn about stuff. I'd say that's a fair assessment.
Signing off for now, it's time to pick my scientists up from their labs.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cheeseburger In Paradise

Several weeks ago my daughters and I loaded up in the car on our way to the library. It was a beautiful summerish autumn day. The warm sun, crystal clear blue sky and boating activity on the river put me in a Jimmy Buffet type mood. I slipped into the CD player the Meet Me in Margaritaville album. When it got to The Volcano song, old Jimmy had found himself two new fans. The girls said "play it again Daddy". We heard that song three times in a row on our way to the library. Fortunately it's a fairly short trip. Since then we have enjoyed that song many, many times on the way to many different places. After hearing The Volcano song over and over and over again, I decided to give disc one of the album a try. Cheeseburger in Paradise became an instant hit with my two little girls.

This morning just as we were pulling into Riley's school, she said to me "Daddy, play Cheeseburger and French Fries in Par-dise". I told her it was too late, that we had already arrived at school and needed to go inside. Then came the tears. "I want to hear Cheeseburger and French Fries in Par-dise" she said. Needless to say, we sat in the parking lot and listened to the song. Her world was good again.

Jimmy, if you're reading this, just know you can still make the young girls cry. Add two more devoted Parotheads to the count.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weather Report

A few days ago our fine city awoke to significant fog rolling in off the St. Johns River. I noticed that my daughter Riley was unusually quiet on our way to school. Normally she is singing or chattering on about something. This day she seemed either tired or contemplative. As we were getting out of the car and walking toward school, she said to me, "Daddy, the clouds are falling to the ground". I love listening to my children. What a fantastic way to start the day.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Hamster, Vermont and God's House

My girls make me laugh almost every day. Either they use words inappropriately, make words up, mimic my vocabulary (not always a good thing) and mannerisms, etc. This is especially true when my older daughter "instructs" my younger daughter. When Riley (two years) tries to comply with Kinsey's (five years) directives you never know what the result may be. First of all the direction is usually less than clear and is directed to an individual who's cognitive ability is less than fully developed.

The other day Kinsey was very authoritatively expressing to Riley how it's such a long path to Grandma's house (20 hours by car). "You know Riley, it takes a long time to drive to New Hamster" (also known as New Hampshire). Riley just takes it all in as though she completely understands. Her actions were very similar to mine in High School chemistry class. Nodding and acting as though you understand. You indicate through your body langauage that you simply have nothing else to add or question given the thoroughness and mastery of the subject by the instructor. The plan works until you're the one picked out of the crowd and asked a question. So then Kinsey says to Riley, "Riley do you know where New Hamster is?" Riley shakes her head revealing that her earlier body language, previously indicating understanding was nothing but a sham. Soooo.. then Kinsey continues with a tone dripping with an heir of superiority, "Riley, New Hamster is in Vermont". As if to say, you should know such simple facts. I feel obligated to correct my daughter on both counts.

Baby... New Hamster is actually pronounced New Hampshire and Vermont is a State just like New Hampshire and it is right next to it on the map. My daughter thinks about this for a few minutes. Then she asks me..."Daddy, is Grandma's house passed God's House?" I know how I answered, but would love to hear how some of you would have responded. It would be fun to see what various people think. Drop me a line and give me your thoughts. Take care!